April 1983 | coverage of the 1982 NPC Nationals. |
February 1984 | account of Matt's trip to Las Vegas in article Render unto Caesars. |
May 1984 | analysis of the 1983 NPC Nationals. |
June 1984 | MIGHTY MATT and the tiny bug. |
July 1984 | cover and article Mendenhall and the forgotten bodyparts. |
October 1984 | Mind over mentality. |
December 1984 | photo preview of the 1984 NPC Nationals.
| March 1985 | coverage of the 1984 NPC Nationals. |
February 1986 | article on arms training. |
February 1987 | coverage of the 1986 NPC Nationals. |
March 1985 | brief coverage of the 1984 NPC Nationals (no photo of Matt). |
March 1987 | coverage of the 1986 NPC Nationals. |
January 1992 | coverage of the 1991 NPC Nationals. |
Muscle & Bodybuilder
Muscle & Fitness
Muscle Digest
January 1983 | pictorial coverage of the 1982 NPC Nationals. |
March 1983 | report on the 1982 NPC Nationals. |
April 1983 | one photo of Matt at the 1982 Nationals.
MuscleMag International
March 1985 | account of Matt's car accident. |
February 1986 | photos from the 1985 USA Championships and the 1985 World Games. |
February 1987 | photo of Matt as "most genetically gifted" of 1986. |
Muscle Training International
Muscle Up
Muscular Development
July 1983 | article on arms training. |
The Muscle
A�o V, no 45 | article �Estos dos si que saben sobre fuerza y volumen! by Jeff Everson and Matt Mendenhall (an abridged version in Spanish of an M&F original). |