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28 October 2002
Galleries New photos from the 1985 World Games in the contest gallery; thanks in particular to Roger for his stunning black-and-white shots!
About Matt Minor corrections to Matt's biography.
21 August 2002
New Location!

Finally! After more than a year, I finally updated the Matt Mendenhall Gallery.

The most obvious changes concern the look of the site, simpler and stream-lined. I hope you don't mind!


Some 20 photos have been added to the galleries, and roughly as many of the old ones were rescanned.


A few sections have disappeared. First and foremost, the morph gallery with which I was becoming more and more uncomfortable, considering that this site is dedicated to the bodybuilder who, in my opinion, achieved the highest ever degree of physical symmetry, elegance and beauty.

The links section and the bodybuilding pantheon were becoming increasingly inaccurate. In view of the amount of work required in keeping up-to-date such pages, I thought preferable to remove them altogether.

3 July 2001
New Site Structure In order to comply with Geocities’ requirements.
2 July 2001
The Site has moved! The Matt Mendenhall Gallery has moved to its new abode on Geocities. I hope that all internal links are working. Please notify me of any problem you may encounter!
1st July 2001
Galleries 16 new images in four galleries: Contest I, Contest II, Posing and Workout II.
About Matt A new About Matt section, incorporating an expanded version of the Biography, and new pages on what people have said concerning Matt; do not miss the exclusive interview with DeShay Ebert.
Articles One new article: Great Squats! The ticket to a powerful lower body.
Links One new muscle link. Also, four pages of the Wide World of Muscle have been found; thanks for the tip!
27 April 2001
Home Page The Home Page has been tidied up.

The Contest Gallery has been separated over two pages: Contest Gallery I and Contest Gallery II; and the Workout Gallery over three: Workout Gallery I, Workout Gallery II and Workout Gallery III.

21 new images in the various galleries: in total, more than 340 pics!

The mpeg video and a smaller animated gif file from a Musclemania in Philadelphia now available on the posing gallery.

Articles Two new articles, Tomorrow's Superstar: Matt Mendenhall and GET BIG! in the articles section.
References and links The reference page and the links page have been thoroughly updated; likewise, some more "lost links" have been added to the Wide World of Muscle links page, thanks to a perspicacious and patient web surfer. Thanks! :-)
9 December 2000
Galleries Some 24 new and 4 updated pics in the various galleries, with a grand total of 320 pics online!

A page of links to some of the galleries from the site Wide World of Muscle while that site's home page is down.

A few links added to the Pantheon.

27 July 2000
Galleries 24 new pics! Eight in the Contest Gallery, ten in the Posing Gallery and six in the Workout Gallery II.
Articles Two new articles.
Links Some new links on the links page and on the page of the Pantheon of Bodybuilding.
References Small additions to the references page.
22 June 2000
Corrections Correction to main page and some other pages to take account of some display problems concerning Internet Explorer.
Galleries 22 new pics! Seven in the Contest Gallery, five in the Posing Gallery and ten in the Workout Gallery II.
Bio Section Short Biography finally opened. Please, help me fill in the gaps!
26 April 2000
Galleries Two new pics: one in the contest gallery and the other in the morphing gallery.
References Two new magazine references.
Sitemap A site map.
10 April 2000
The Site Complete redesign of the site.
Articles New Articles section, containing already 12 articles (some with photos).
Links New Links with a new Pantheon of bodybuilding.
References New References section.

References of photos as "alt text" of the thumbnails.

Seven new images in the Posing Gallery.

26 March 2000
Guestbook Upgraded guestbook, added a "pass it on" gear.
Links Muscle Service Webring problems corrected.
2 January 2000
The Site A French version of the site is added.
December 1999
Galleries Several additions to the site between August and December bring the number of images in the galleries to more than 230!
22 October 1999
Guestbook GuestWorld guestbook added.
10 August 1999
Opening Opening of the site; 88 pictures online.

This site is not authorised by or in any way associated with Matt Mendenhall himself.